MODERN SCHOOL – Shiksha Shetra


Modern School, Digha Patna an English medium co-educational school was established in 1995. It strongly belives that investment in quality care and significant investment in future well being of the society. Good education cares where as good child care educates. It is high time that education changes its connotation with the changing times. The basic concern of our school education is to enable children to make sense of life and develop their potential and to promote values that foster peace, sense of humanity and tolerance in a multicultural society. Education in its wider sense is deeply related o integrated development of the personality of the students. We provide our children top quality education in a very vibrant, invigorating and extremely lively environment. Our institution apart from academic excellence provides space to propagate cultural, traditional, moral and spiritual values of life. Education reflects the spirit of the age. It shapes and moulds the students according to its new ideas. Thus our school is not only confined to the eduactional sphere but it is a mission also to cut across the barriers of caste and smoothen out inequalities imposed by birth and other circumstances.

Modern School, Digha Patna an English medium co-educational school was established in 1995. It strongly belives that investment in quality care and significant investment in future well being of the society. Good education cares where as good child care educates. It is high time that education changes its connotation with the changing times. The basic concern of our school education is to enable children to make sense of life and develop their potential and to promote values that foster peace, sense of humanity and tolerance in a multicultural society. Education in its wider sense is deeply related o integrated development of the personality of the students. We provide our children top quality education in a very vibrant, invigorating and extremely lively environment. Our institution apart from academic excellence provides space to propagate cultural, traditional, moral and spiritual values of life. Education reflects the spirit of the age. It shapes and moulds the students according to its new ideas. Thus our school is not only confined to the eduactional sphere but it is a mission also to cut across the barriers of caste and smoothen out inequalities imposed by birth and other circumstances.
2 copies of Coloured Passport size photograph of parents (separately)
5 copies of Coloured Passport size photograph of candidate
Birth Certificate from Municipal Corporation
Aadhar Copy of Student and both the parents
Transfer Certificate
Class I to III - Rs 900/- 
Class IV to VI - Rs 1000/- 
Class VII & VIII - Rs 1200/- 
Class IX –X - Rs 1400/- 
Class XI –XII - Rs 2000/- 
Separate building for both boys and girls with all facilities. 
 We Have 100% Result In Class X And Xii In The Year 2022.