Now in New Nep 2020, kids are very different from before covid 19 phase. Covid has made a deep impact on both the heart and mind of the children. The shortcomings and loneliness that have come in two years, bringing all these things to a normal scale is as important as our daily needs. The vision of DMCS is that children should learn irrespective of the medium. At least they learn a good and new thing everyday. Our mission is to give wings to the child so that they can learn innovative ideas with and open mind like a free bird. Enhance the children's strength and doing work on there weak points so that they move towards the weakness from strength. Dmcs has all the modern and scientific facilities to act as a link in your little ones learning. Dmcs consider all those festivals practically by celebrating Children so that they become a secular citizen of our country and the feelings of casteism could not touch their little mind.

Now in New Nep 2020, kids are very different from before covid 19 phase. Covid has made a deep impact on both the heart and mind of the children. The shortcomings and loneliness that have come in two years, bringing all these things to a normal scale is as important as our daily needs. The vision of DMCS is that children should learn irrespective of the medium. At least they learn a good and new thing everyday. Our mission is to give wings to the child so that they can learn innovative ideas with and open mind like a free bird. Enhance the children's strength and doing work on there weak points so that they move towards the weakness from strength. Dmcs has all the modern and scientific facilities to act as a link in your little ones learning. Dmcs consider all those festivals practically by celebrating Children so that they become a secular citizen of our country and the feelings of casteism could not touch their little mind.
Ruchi Chaubey

Ruchi Chaubey Principal

Message from Principal

"I have the privilege to welcome in you all to this great temple of learning. This is the place of happiness of your lovely kids. It provides unique opportunities for the development of the Young minds in a secular and innovative atmosphere. This type of atmosphere is the reflection of great vision of Divya Educational Trust. Divya My Chhota School (DMCS) maintains a traditional of inculcating human values in the minds of pupil teachers. We take pains for their physical, mental and intellectual development. The aim of Divya My Chhota School (DMCS) is to develop the thinking, analytical and intellectual faculty of the pupil teachers and not to stuff their brains with second-hand thought and ideas. Pupil teachers are enable to gather the hub of happiness is an enjoyable process and not an imposed, dreary and dull syllabus cramming only. We present a unique atmosphere for the loving kids or pupil teachers...."