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Share your #JourneytoDay1 and stand a chance to win a Johnson’s® baby hamper along with a flipbook personalized for your journey.

Contest Duration: 12th May 2024, to 15th June 2024 and participant entries received during the said period shall only be considered.

The persons who participate in this “Contest” shall be referred to as “Participant(s)/ you/ your/ their.”

  1. Share your #JourneytoDay1 by uploading a picture or a collage along with a creative caption of your most treasured moments till the time your baby was born.
  2. The picture/s and caption can be uploaded on the link
  3. The image/collage must showcase your heartwarming journey to your baby’s Day 1
  4. 5 Winners to get personalised flipbook for their journey along with gift hamper. 50 additional winners to get a gift hamper. Winners will be reached out to for an address.
  5. The most creative and wholesome images/collages along with integration of the caption of #JourneytoDay1 will win the contest

Contest Result Announcement

  • By entering this Contest, the Participants agree to having read and being bound by the terms and conditions of this Contest, including having agreed to share and to the usage of their personal information, which is necessary for conducting the Contest.
  • The Participants should be a major and above 18 years of age
  • We (“JNTL Consumer Health (India) Private Limited/ us/ our/ Company/ Organizer”) shall repost your photos on Johnson's® baby Instagram/ Facebook page/add relevant places please at our discretion provided it meets required guidelines and criteria.
  • The contestants' names, photos, video footage, voices, and/or likeness may be used by the organizers for editorial, advertising, promotional, marketing, and/or other reasons in any media for an indefinite amount of time without further compensation.
  • Participant acknowledges and agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions by entering the contest.
  • We shall reach out to winners for their address and other details so that the prizes can be provided. We shall not be responsible for incorrect, incomplete, vague, false information provided by the winners and shall be at liberty to disqualify them due to inadequacy of information to deliver the prizes. The winners shall be required to provide the relevant information within 3 (three) days of us sending the direct message to them, failing which, we shall be at liberty to disqualify them
  • Company may at its own sole discretion amend, cancel, remove, delete, discontinue the Contest and/or any of its terms and conditions, at any point of time.
  • The personal information, if any, being collected through this Contest, shall be used solely for the purpose of conducting the Contest. If you do not wish your information to be collected, you may choose not to participate in the Contest. The said information may be transferred and processed by Company’s affiliates and service providers for the purpose of conducting the Contest.
  • We will only use your personal information for the specific purpose for which it was given to conduct the Contest in its entirety. You may learn more, relating to the personal information we collect and record, by reading our privacy policy online at https://www.kenvue.com/privacy-policy
  • Company is not responsible for any warranty, quality and/ or defects in product and/or service relating to the prizes being offered in the Contest.
  • The Participants are instructed to not share any obscene, vulgar, illegal, invalid, defamatory, comparative entry (image and/or video) in this Contest, which will be subject to immediate removal and disqualification.

9. User-submitted Content / Personal Information Representations Made and Rights Granted

You are responsible for all Content (including photos, videos, posts) that you submit, post, or otherwise make available to or through the site/page or on your own feed by tagging our social medial handles. By doing so, you represent and warrant to Company that such content is not confidential and that you have all necessary permission to submit, post and otherwise make available such Content. The Company makes no claims to ownership of Content that you submit, post or otherwise make available to or through the site/page or by tagging us on our social media handles. You continue to retain all ownership rights in such Content and the right to use your Content as you determine. However, by participating in the contest you do grant to the Company and its affiliates a worldwide, nonexclusive, perpetual, fully sub-licensable, royalty-free right and license as set below:

with respect to Content other than photos, graphics, audio, video, or journals that you submit, post or otherwise make available to public areas of the site/page or tag our social media handles (e.g. not intended as a private communication), the license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute , publicly perform, and publicly display such Content (in whole or part) worldwide via the site/page or otherwise, and/or to incorporate it or works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed; and with respect to photos, graphics, audio, video or journals that you submit, post or otherwise make available to public areas of the site/page or tag our social media handles (e.g. not intended as a private communication), the license to post on our social media pages, websites, use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly perform and publicly display such Content for the purpose (of being used on all brand assets) for which such Content was submitted, posted or made available, including for the purposes of marketing and promotion of our products.

10. User Contributions – Rules

Company reserves the right to withhold or remove content or remove our social media tags at its sole discretion.

11. General

i. Company’s decision on all matters relating to the Contest, including shortlisting of entries, photographs, voting, term and conditions of this contest, value, nature, type and number of prizes, mode of dissemination of prize, disqualification of a Participant, removal of any entry/ post and selection of winners is final, conclusive and binding on all Contestants and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.

ii. All prizes offered as part of this Contest are non-transferable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable for other products or cash, shall be accepted as they are and are subject to any terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Organizer and/or company providing the prizes. All unclaimed prizes shall be forfeited or disposed of at the discretion of the Company.

iii. The Contest is not open to persons who have an agreement or contract with any third parties that prohibits them from participating in the Contest; the employees (permanent or contract) and directors, including each of their immediate family members of Organizer and/or Company, their parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies (collectively, “CompanyJ Entities”); and advertising and promotion agencies, suppliers of prizes, and persons or entities connected with the promotion of the Contest.

iv. Company reserves the right to verify the eligibility of all participants.

v. Company reserves the right to request winners to comply with further steps at Company's sole discretion.

vi. Company and/or Organizer shall not be responsible for any registrations made or entries posted but not recorded due to any reason whatsoever. Only valid entries and posts received & seen by Company and/or Organizer during the contest period will be included in the Offer. Any automated receipt confirmation does not constitute proof of actual receipt.

vii. Company and/or Organizer shall not be responsible or liable for any delay, failure in transmission of information due to network, technical, electronic failures, negligence of contestant to read announcements/messages or any other conditions beyond the control of the Company and/or Organizer.

viii. Company and/or Organizer shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any direct or indirect losses, claims, damages, costs and expenses in connection with your participation in this Offer or any other reason incidental to such participation.

ix. Company and/or Organizer shall not be liable for any delay in the prizes reaching the participant or delivery to wrong address if accurate information has not been provided by the participant.

x. Where entries are submitted on behalf of a contestant, Company and/or Organizer assumes that approval for such submission and participation in the contest has been obtained from the contestant, who is aware of the terms and conditions of the contest. It shall be presumed that any other person submitting an entry through contestant’s instrument and/or login ID/password is doing so with contestant’s consent and understands/agrees to these terms. Company and/or Organizer shall not be responsible for any damage/injury/loss caused either to you or other user as a result of such use.

xi. Nothing in the contest shall affect the intellectual property right of the Organizer in any product which may be a part of the contest.

xii.By entering the contest and tagging our social media handles, contestants are agreeing to these terms & conditions and Privacy Policy of the Company and Organizer

xiii. These terms and conditions are governed in accordance with the laws of India. Any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai

Organizer refers to Johnson's® Baby

Company refers to JNTL India Pvt Ltd.